Many businesses are using an old version of SAP BusinessObjects that simply can’t do what the organisation needs it to do. This leads to frustrated teams drowning in redundant, obsolete, inaccurate reports. It also takes much more time than it should for the business to locate its information.

With SAP 4.3 on the horizon, many businesses are already considering how and when they will move to the next version, but it is not without its issues. Migrating can take a huge amount of time and there can be many difficulties along the way that can be challenging to the organisation.

Red Olive has developed a rapid migration approach, to speed up the migration and make it relatively pain-free. It combines this with 360Suite’s solution to help its customers upgrade much more easily.

Red Olive’s Five-step process

Red Olive’s five-step plan starts with an assessment and planning module where we help to identify potential issues and establish expectations of how the migration will happen and in what timeframe.

The next phase is one of execution, where customers will be guided through the migration to cloud hosting. This is followed by phase three – validation and optimisation – which reviews the performance and tests future scenarios. Only once this phase is complete will the actual migration take place.

Phase five of the process is a review, where we examine the day-to-day maintenance and monitor performance, so that simple, effective maintenance tasks can be created.

SAP 4.3 webinar

If you are considering migrating now or later this year when SAP 4.3 arrives, watch the webinar below by both Red Olive and 360Suite for some insights into increasing productivity with targeted dashboards, while learning how to plan for and make the move to cloud analytics.


For more information, please contact us and we can explain our process in more detail and how it could work for you.