Data is an essential business asset. It may have no physical form, but its value is far greater than any hardware on which it might be hosted. The problem for many organisations is that while they may hold a lot of data – often, far more than they realise – it is in a far from optimal condition. It may be incomplete, lack consistency, and be bloated through the inclusion of duplicate records. We’ve created a guide with six steps that can help you get your thoughts in order before putting in place a new data strategy. Our six step process for implementing and maintaining good data hygiene is designed to help businesses reduce costs, maximise revenues and gain a more effective overview of their live operations.
Red Olive has helped many organisations, including utilities, charities and multinational publishing corporations to optimise their data. In doing so, we have increased the data’s intrinsic value, and its suitability as a tool for making business decisions. Our clients have reduced their ongoing costs, maximised profits, and in many cases contributed to the betterment of society as a whole.
The advice in this guide will help CTOs, CDOs and project managers to better understand how to structure their data, so it can be used to make informed business decisions. You can download the guide here or feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we can run through your challenges and help get you sorted.
Happy reading!