If you are responsible for complaints management, tenant engagement or customer voice within housing, make sure you stop by the Red Olive stand (A24) at CIH 2024 in Liverpool on the 9th and 10th of September. As experts in housing data and analytics, we will be demoing our predictive complaints solution which gives greater clarity on tenant relationships, including predicting complaints and identifying those tenants most likely to complain before they occur.

Red Olive has worked with several housing associations including Poplar Harca, Peabody and the Hyde Group among others and with its collaborative approach, we help housing associations on data projects at different levels of maturity. For some that are earlier in their digital transformation projects, we help build bespoke data architecture to ensure that the correct information and data points are being used to manage, measure and predict future trends, meet compliance deadlines such as SDR and building safety regulations as well helping to improve tenant acquisition and retention. And for those with more mature data strategies in place, we help with machine learning for predictive maintenance, tenant complaints and predictive arrears management, helping to improve tenant acquisition and retention.

We look forward to seeing you at CIH but if you can’t make it and you’d like to know more, email [email protected]

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