These days, it’s easy to get lost in a wilderness of raw data.

Businesses face a constant deluge of unintelligible information. A data-pocalypse, if you will.

As Mike Sheridan (Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Talend) announced at Talent Connect London 2013, ‘The data world is in chaos.’

Chaos Expanding

At Talend’s second London-based conference, data industry experts offered their insight. Jason Stamper (Editor of Computer Business Review and Technology Correspondent for The New Statesman) began the day with an overview of recent developments in the data world, from cloud, mobile and social networking to the much-hyped phenomenon of Big Data.


To tame the chaos, Stamper concluded, businesses need to keep up with the expanding data world by filtering out the noise, treating data strategically and extracting the value from billions of tiny events.

This is where Talend aim to offer ‘real life solutions’. In the second presentation of the morning, Mike Sheridan and Yves de Montcheuil (Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Talend) discussed ‘The Way Ahead’ for Talend as they aim to enable businesses to make sense of the changing data world.

Understanding the Chaos

Sheridan and de Montcheuil identified five strategic changes in the chaotic Big Data age and explained how Talend would respond:

1)      Batch integration is disappearing.

Processing data in downtime is no longer enough. These days we want to see instant results from our data.

2)      Enterprise integration.

Application and data integration are merging. Talend’s software will reflect the combined

‘enterprise integration’.

3)      Big data translated.

SQL is still the most widely used data modelling language. Talend plan to present Big Data so that it’s accessible to those with SQL experience.

4)      Hybrid clouds.

One day, we’ll all be working in the cloud, but in the mean time, most companies will be using both servers and cloud space. Talend want to optimize this transitional stage.

5)      Mobile data consumption.

With devices such as smart phones and tablets, data consumption now happens on the go. Talend are finding ways to keep up.

Mining the chaos

Having recognised these changes, Sheridan suggested that we can now approach data as a utility, such as fuel. Just like crude oil, data is worthless when raw. Refine it, and it gains real value and the potential to generate profit and industry.

According to Sheridan, Talend can enable businesses to make use of data as a utility by:

                Tapping into data (As crude oil is pumped from the ground, useful data needs to be extracted from the chaos).

                Transforming data (From raw element to valuable fuel, a refining process transforms data into usable information).

Delivering data to Targets (Talend deliver data to the client to be packaged in an easy-to-use visual format).

Talend has adapted software to mine the chaos and make use of data for real business value. In a further presentation Ciaran Dynes (Vice President, Products, Talend) outlined future developments in ‘Talend’s Product Roadmap’.


Come back to the Red Olive blog soon for our review of Dynes’ presentation, revealing new features and major changes to Talend’s existing programmes…

To read about the practicalities of implementing Talend, click here.

To read about Talend’s product roadmap click here.

Do you agree with Talend’s diagnosis of a ‘data world in chaos’? At Red Olive, we’d love to help you find out more about how to get the most out of your data. You could contact us via e-mail or by calling us on 01256 831100.